“Holy Crap! This Is My 200th Post!” post

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I didn’t think I had this much to say!

Hey Stalker!  Clean the dirty window while you are out there, would ya?

Hey Stalker! Clean the dirty window while you are out there, would ya?

I can’t believe I have written 200 posts in less than 2 years. I started this blog with just a random post with a survey about driving pet peeves. I had a vague notion that I would write a post about dead dad movies, Punky Brewster, and my two dogs.

From that, this blog has grown! An average of 35 people view MY WORDS every single day! Most of those people find imnotstalkingyou.com from Google searches. Most of those Google searches are about The O.C., Homefront, and boxelder bugs😛 While I would love it if my viewership for each new blog post was that huge, I am incredibly thankful for my small but wonderful band of loyal readers. (You know who you are! Thank you!)

I have very lofty goals this year, which relate to writing. While I won’t list them here, those who are close enough to me to hold me accountable know what those goals are. And I don’t think I would be able to even attempt them if it wasn’t for the practice and confidence I have gained from these 200 posts.

Here is to 200 more!

One response

  1. Elizabeth in MI

    And just think… because of you 3 hippies are blogging too! 🙂 Happy 200!