Tag Archives: stroller

I Want a Jeep

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My dream car

In my youth, I used to see Jeeps in the TV shows I watched, such as Mork & Mindy and the Dukes of Hazzard. The first real life Jeep I fell in love with was one that was always parked outside the local bowling alley. I assume it probably belonged to the owner. I believe it was a brown Jeep C-J. I used to walk by it to get to the grocery store all the time. I always thought “when I grow up, I am going to have one of those”. Apparently, I am not yet grown up. *sigh*

Hot Wheels Jeep C-Js

I have two Hot Wheels Jeeps I have had since I was a kid. One I got from McDonald’s in a Happy Meal. (Mmm…McDonald’s.) The other I got from sending in UPCs from Frosted Flakes. The brown one is almost the same as the one that used to sit outside the bowling alley.

Jeep license plate

I have a Jeep hoodie I bought several years ago. But it is too big, so I hardly ever wear it. I also have a pink Jeep license plate I bought to put on my Jeep. That I do not have yet.

Jeep Stroller

As you may have guessed by now, my baby has a Jeep brand stroller. The cute one with the little steering wheel on it. It was the first purchase my husband and I made for our upcoming arrival. We bought it very early on too. What is it they always say about the about the first trimester being the one most likely for things to go wrong? As soon as I was beyond that window of time, I bought a Jeep, baby. A Jeep baby stroller. Correct. (I love my stroller. It is about three inches too wide sometimes, but we manage.)

I rode in a Jeep once. It belonged to my cousin. I was in the backseat. I was too young to really remember much about the ride. My husband always wants me to test drive one. But I always decline. If I test drove a Jeep and I didn’t like the ride, I would be heartbroken. If I test drove a Jeep and loved it, I would be in misery because we do not currently have the funds to buy one. So, a test drive is a lose, lose proposition right now.

Me & my Aztek when it was brand new, before all the miles and hail damage. I have cool black and highlighted hair in this pic.

Last time I bought a car (in fall of 2003), I wanted a new car because I had never had one before. I really wanted a Pontiac Aztek. I figured the car I would actually get and could better afford was a Pontiac Sunfire. A Jeep, due to price, was totally out of the picture. My husband talked me into the Aztek, and I am glad he did. The Aztek is an awesome car with oodles of space inside. (I am trying for 200,000 miles in mine. So far, I am over 194,000.) I am also glad my husband made me buy an Aztek because that is the last year Pontiac made them:(

“Tell me more about your dream car,” you say? I want a red Jeep Wrangler hard-top 2 door with automatic transmission, 4X4, fog lights, and an mp3 plug-in. I know a four door would be more practical. But not on my bank account. And it destroys the classic Jeep look I have found so darn appealing for so many years. I plan to drive it forever. And when the red paint starts to peel or not, I will have it custom painted in pink camouflage. How sweet would that be? Then it would totally match my Jeep license plate.

The one downside to owning a Jeep will be my husband. He likes to take things apart. Everything. So, I know there will come a day when I am like “Honey, it is raining outside. I need to go somewhere. I really need you to put the doors back on my car for me.” But I will smile when that day comes. Because that will mean that I finally have my Jeep I have always dreamed of.

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Stay-At-Home Mom

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Although my Facebook profile says I am still Job-Hunting, I have begun to think of myself more as a stay-at-home mom. Every day I meet (more or less) the needs of my son in a timely manner (before Daddy gets home). Then the next day I start all over again with the brand new obstacles my toddler will throw at me.

Things I have realized about being a stay-at-home mom:

–The illusion of getting to do what I want all day long, then wondering where the day went and why my house looks worse than when I woke up.

–I have to fill my day with activities that will fill up my tiny amount of spare time, but that can be stopped at a moment’s notice for a poopy diaper or a boo-boo (ex. watching TV-not good/watching DVD-good; doing taxes-not good/reading a book-good).

–I can only run upstairs to get something when my toddler is asleep or restrained (ex. high chair). He can climb up the stairs, but cannot get back down again safely. Which means I have to carry him down. Which means he cries because he wasn’t done playing on the stairs yet.

–Blog posts will invariably have typos in them, as much as I feel ashamed by them. I would love to put all my concentration into it and proofread a post 20 times before it is sent out over the wire and air, but my attention is elsewhere.

–I have no desire to cook. For the same reason blog posts will invariably have typos.

–The toddler and the pointer and the mutt rule the house. I am just their servant.

–I need a schedule to remember if I already watered the plants this week and to remember if I get a free moment to run the dishwasher. Otherwise I just go “hey, free time” and watch a DVD.

Dry-erase household checklist, anyone?

–Toddler nap time is the holiest time of the day. I can get things done. Unrestricted. As long as they do not cause noise or require me to leave the house or get the dogs riled up so that they cause noise. For a brief amount of time, my son took two naps a day. Now I am lucky if he takes one.

–The guilt of having your son strapped into a stroller at the mall all day can be alleviated by setting them free in the mall child play area. (I never even really paid attention to those places. I just thought of them as germ breading grounds. Which they are.)

–Free community activities are great entertainment. (My asbestos friend shared that with me.) Cheap excuses to get out of the house are good. Especially if they include free snacks or giveaways.

–I must have been insane to think a year ago I could work and do all this too.

–Pop-tarts are so much better toasted at home than they were microwaved and soggy at work. (I didn’t have a toaster at work because I was afraid security would bust me with it.)

–The guy on Artzooka is really cute.

–It is impossible to walk my two dogs with a stroller by myself.

–Laundry and dishes don’t do themselves.

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