Tag Archives: haircut

POEM – kissing a grizzly bear

I got chicken
stuck behind my back tooth
I got Good Charlotte
Playin’ on my radio
Maybe I should be doin’
more with my life
But I feel like it’s almost over anyway
26 and I’m dying more everyday
One more day and I’ll fade away.

I go to work
To zone out all day
I lose myself everyday
In a caffeine and sugar haze
You think I am punching numbers
But I’m writing songs and drawing houses
And rhyming my life away
The days just seem to go faster that way.

Someday I’ll drive home
the wrong way down a one way street
Someday I’ll write a poem
that my honey will think is real sweet
Someday I’ll drive out West
to kiss a grizzly bear
Someday I’ll get brave
and get 1990s Winona Ryder hair.

They are all risky
But someday I won’t mind
I will wake up and realize
This is my one and only life to find.

One of very few pictures of me when I got short Winona Ryder/Mandy Moore hair, around Fall 2005.

One of very few pictures of me when I got short Winona Ryder/Mandy Moore hair, around Fall 2005.

Well, it seems there are at least TWO pictures...

Well, it seems there are at least TWO pictures…

Follow the romantic entanglements of The Riley Sisters in my books:
The Wind Could Blow a Bug – AVAILABLE NOW!
When You Least Expect It NEW RELEASE!

What I Learned This Week 8/5/12

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I learned that my totally cute and adorable son, M, can do something I never imagined–be ugly.

He has been sick since Tuesday night. It took a pediatrician and then the ER to tell us he has strep throat. So, his temperament has been very ugly all week due to his illness. Then adding insult to injury, my husband gave him a horrible haircut on Saturday. My husband argued with me for a good couple hours before he relented that yes, my son does now look like a monk. To top it off, as we were at the ER of one of the best children’s hospitals in the country, M broke out in a weird red rash. The ER docs said that was just something that comes along sometimes with a fever. My mom thinks it is the measles. I don’t know what it is, but I don’t like it. There is nothing uglier than a crying boy who is all rashy with a monk haircut:(

While attempting to entertain my ailing tyke, I also learned that Thomas is a very bad tank engine. In one hour long movie, he causes an old trestle bridge to collapse, knocks down a brick tower, derails (I think there is one of these in every episode), and ended up in an abandoned flooded mine floating along.

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